Showing posts with label flying. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flying. Show all posts

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Comet sun and fun in Carcassonne

Pilot Pascal sent me a weblink to a video of him flying his FK-12 Comet #083 over sunny southern France. Great scenery and lovely old towns - have a look via

Thanks Pascal, looks a lot of fun for you and your passengers.

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

FK-12 Comet - Flight review

Plane & Pilot magazine in the USA have posted an online flight review of the FK-12 Comet - take a look as they experience a Comet operated by Hansen Air Group over Florida, USA

read more on the link below


Sunday, 6 May 2012

A Comet arrives in Alsace

Today I had an email from Martin W a proud new Comet owner.  Martin recently bought a second hand FK-12 Comet. Before delivery the aircraft was overhauled and also repainted by FK Lightplanes at Speyer. Martin had his first solo flight in his new Comet on 4th May 2012 - congratulations!

This FK-12 will now be based at Vieux-Ferrette airfield ( LF6822 ) in the Haur-Rhin region of Alsace in eastern France ( near the Swiss border ). The Comet is now registered as F-JTOO.

External Link to Vieux-Ferrette airfield flight pattern

Enjoy your flying.


Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Aerobatic Comet - Flying Upside down in Italy

I want to thank Fausto in Italy for sending me some photos he has taken showing the view from his FK-12 Comet cockpit - Fausto has successfully modified his Rotax engine to allow aerobatic inverted flying - so far he has flown over 30 hours with this modification.

""Up Down Flying Around Looping The Loop and Defying The Ground""

Congratulations - Enjoy your Comet

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

FK-12 Comet Fly In at Wendelsheim

On the weekend of the 10th & 11th September a group of Comet pilots held their second annual "Fly In"  - this year the airfield location was at Wendelsheim in the Alzey-Worms district of Rhineland.

This year 9 Comets visited the event,


Among the FK-12 Comets that visited the Fly In at Wendelsheim were,

D-MFKD c/n 060 - this Comet now has a new colour scheme - it was originally all yellow with a large "60" - the new colours feature a "flaming Comet rock" on the engine cowling - very nice.

D-MXIL c/n 088 - this Comet was delivered in 2010 - the colour scheme is virtually identical to Comet D-MVCW

D-MSSS c/n 029  - this Comet was built in 2001 and is flown by pilot Peter Kranz  - I think this colour scheme is one of the most attractive I've seen on a FK-12 Comet.


Sunday, 21 November 2010

Smoking Comets - Leo and Guido

The link below shows a good video of FK-12 Comets D-MSLK and OO-F77 flown by Leo K and Guido Q at the Fly In at Monchsheide in September 2010.

Both aircraft have smoke systems fitted to enhance the display.

Friday, 15 October 2010

FK-12 Comet video - watch FK-12 Comet Race I-A329 fly

The link below shows a good video of Italian FK-12 Comet registration I-A329 flying in its lovely "Comet Race" colour scheme - click on the link below,

Thanks to Luigi of AVIEMA for this information


Wednesday, 11 November 2009

D-MOKU flying in a summer sky

I'd like to thank pilot Philipp Jahn from Austria for sending me this lovely photo of FK-12 Comet D-MOKU high in the summer sky over Vienna, Austria taken in summer 2009.

Thursday, 30 April 2009

FK-12 Comet D-EZWO - video

This Comet is c/n 37 and was built from a kit - it first flew in December 2006 at Mainz-Finthen in Germany.

This aircraft is powered by a Wankel rotary fuel injected fully aerobatic engine rather than the usual Rotax 912. In addition the aircraft has a Silence Aircraft 2 bladed automatic variable pitch propeller.

D-EZWO has been designed to operate with a MTOW of 520 Kg allowing full two seat operations with a full fuel load - because of this the aircraft could not be registered in the German microlight registration sequence of "D-M......" ( MTOW 450 Kg ) - the aircraft is as far as I know the one and only "D-E....." registerd FK-12 Comet.

I'd like to thank Hans-Jurgen Hundhausen for his help with information about the unique special FK-12 Comet D-EZWO.

Friday, 16 January 2009

FK-12 Comet OO-G20 - Happy new owners

OO-G20 awaiting the application of its new registration markings

FK-12 Comet c/n 59 was recently bought by new owners in Belgium.

This Comet was originally factory built by B&F and first flew in 2003 and became registered with the French Dept registration "59-CHP".

"59-CHP" operated from the airfield at Baisy-Thy ( EBBY ) in Belgium ( many French registered ultralight aircraft are based in Belgium ).

The new owners are Johan and Geert and the aircraft is now registered in Belgium as OO-G20 and has flown approx 215 hours to date. They intend to base the aircraft at Wevelgem ( EBKT ) from April 2009.

I asked them to tell me a little more about their new aircraft

""We are two pilots that fly most of the time together with our different aircrafts. We bought it for this reason : I told already that I also have the Eurofox and the Eurostar and I dreamt about the millennium aircraft but I think this will never be available as an ultralight. Plane , so I wanted something that was beautiful to see and that gave a really satisfaction in flying art . Combined with the big demanding of piloting skill to be able to fly the FK 12, I really fell in love with this plane.

Sitting backwards, right in the middle, it gives you the feeling that you are flying an old warbird built in the millennium !

It is a well manoeuvrable plane with high stability qualities and has the possibility to be flown with a closed or open canopy : great !

And last but not least : the plane has good looks ; I do not know any double wing ultralight that looks even beautiful and aggressive.""

Many Thanks to Johan and Geert for sharing this FK-12 news with us.

July 2009 - With thanks to Freddy Ceulemans I can now add a more recent photo showing OO-G20 with its registration letters applied.